#Chapter Achievement 1981 PMI South Africa Chapter is Established
PMI South Africa is the first Chapter to be established beyond North America, and founding member Kaay Koch launches the chapter newsletter: "The Project Manager".
#Chapter Achievement 1982 Panel Discussions Commence
Via a partnership with Eskom, early leader of the project management profession Prof. Dave Clelland starts visiting PMI South Africa Chapter for Panel Discussions.
#Chapter Achievement 1983 Executive Committee is Selected
Election of new Executive Committee:
President - B.J. Dooley
Vice President Membership - A. Edwards
Vice President Programme - J. Dubsky
Vice President Public Relations - J.D.Koch
Secretary - J.B. Burdes
Treasurer - M. Davison
#Chapter Achievement 1987 Introduction of PMI Certification Examination Programme
J.D. “Kaay” Koch introduces the PMI Certification Program Examination for the Project Management Professional (PMP) in South Africa, which is the fIrst PMP exam outside of USA, resulting in PMP certifications.
#Proudly South African Project 1988 Phase 1 - Lesotho Highlands Water Project
Realized in 1988, the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) is an ongoing water supply project with a hydropower component, developed in partnership between the governments of Lesotho and South Africa.
#Chapter Achievement 1991 New Propylene / Polypropylene Factory for Sasol Chemical Industries (Pty) Ltd
PMI works with Sasol Chemical Industries (Pty) Ltd to build the new Propylene / Polypropylene Factory in Secunda. This project receives the 1991 Project of the year award by PMI.
#Chapter Achievement 1995 Benfield Column Project wins Project of the Year
Sasol earns another project of the year award with Benfield column repair project.
#Proudly South African Project 1995 Rugby World Cup
Our #Proudly South African Featured Project celebrates the Project Management Principles adopted in planning the 1995 Rugby World Cup. This major sporting event was the first of it's kind for South Africa - the first time it would be hosted locally, the first RWC in which every match would be played in the same country, and the first RWC that South Africa was allowed to participate in.
#Proudly South African Project 1996 African Cup of Nations AFCON
The 1996 Africa Cup of Nations was the #first continental title to be hosted by South Africa. Bafana Bafana won their first title on home soil.
#Proudly South African Project 1999 Coega Industrial Development Zone
The Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ), established in 1999, is situated near Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape province. The initiative is a multibillion-dollar industrial development complex customised for heavy, medium and light industries, and adjacent to a deepwater port, the Port of Ngqura.
#Chapter Achievement 2001 PMI South Africa Chapter (NPC) is Incorporated
PMI South Africa Chapter (NPC) incorporated 6th December 2001 as a Non-Profit Company, and the Board was now separated from the Executive.
#Proudly South African Project 2003 ICC Cricket World Cup hosted in South Africa
The 2003 ICC Cricket World Cup was the eighth Cricket World Cup, organised by the International Cricket Council (ICC). It was co-hosted by South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya from 9 February to 23 March 2003. This edition of the World Cup was the first to be played in Africa.
#Proudly South African Project 2004 Ironman Hosted in Port Elizabeth for the first time
Ironman South Africa was first hosted in Nelson Mandela Bay in 2004, with 400 athletes. Later, in 2008, Ironman 70.3 was hosted in Buffalo City for the first time. Ironman SA and Ironman 70.3 are the only Ironman Events hosted on the African Continent.
#Proudly South African Project 2007 ICC Twenty20 hosted in South Africa
The 2007 ICC World Twenty20 was the inaugural Twenty20 International cricket world championship, contested in South Africa from 11 to 24 September 2007.
#Proudly South African Project 2009 The Rea Vaya Bus System becomes operational
Rea Vaya (which means "we are going" in Scamto) is a bus rapid transit system operating in Johannesburg, South Africa. It opened in phases from 2009, and links the Johannesburg CBD and Braamfontein with Soweto.
#Proudly South African Project 2010 FIFA World Cup is Hosted in South Africa
In 2010 South Africa became the first African Nation to host the FIFA World Cup Finals. Five new stadiums were built for the tournament, and five of the existing venues were upgraded.
#Chapter Achievement 2011 The Chapter initiates PMBOK Introductory Weekends
The chapter initiates PMBOK introductory weekends to assist members with PMP certification preparation, beginning with 20 employees at BKS, one of the largest engineering consultancies in South Africa.
#Proudly South African Project 2012 The Gautrain Rapid Rail Transport System is completed
Although partially complete in preparation for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the second and third phases of the Gautrain Rapid Rail Transport System was completed and opened to the public in 2012, linking Johannesburg, Pretoria, Ekurhuleni and O.R. Tambo International Airport.
#Chapter Achievement 2015 PMI South Africa hosts it's first PMI Africa Conference
PMI South Africa chapter hosted the first PMI Africa PM conference at Birchwood hotel, with around 350 participants and sponsors from the Africa region, and we were honored to have Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, founder of Gift of the Givers as keynote speaker.
#Chapter Achievement 2016 Election of Dr Lynn Keeys as Chapter President
Dr Kishoor Pitamber, Carel van Zyl, JC Kruger and Peter Raw, four chapter members of the board, assumed leadership of the Chapter following the unexpected resignation of the chapter president.
Dr. Lynn Keeys, PMP was elected president in August and operational leadership resumed.
#Chapter Achievement 2016 Introduction of Mentorship Programme
PMI South Africa Chapter introduced the first Mentorship Programme for the chapter members.
#Chapter Achievement 2017 Conclusion of Partnership Agreements with Academic Institutions
PMI South Africa signs partnerships agreements with two academic institutions: Graduate School of Technology Management at University of Pretoria, and Stenden South Africa.
#Chapter Achievement 2017 PMI South Africa Chapter hosts it's First Annual PM Summit
PMI South Africa Chapter hosts the first annual PM Summit: Getting your project right, the first time.
#Chapter Achievement 2017 Renewal of Memorandum of Incorporation
JC Kruger participated in a renewal process to get the Memorandum of Incorporation updated, and accepted on the PMI Global Ethics Review Committee.
#Chapter Achievement 2018 The Board sets up Processes & Framework, revises Bylaws and Establishes Committees
The board sets up processes and framework, including revising bylaws and establishing committees to work in voluntary compliance with the King Code of Governance. The Executive is restructured to facilitate better delivery of services and streamlined reporting.
#Chapter Achievement 2018 Eastern Cape Provincial Team is Established
Establishment of Eastern cape provincial team.
#Chapter Achievement 2019 Freestate Provincial Team is Established
Establishment of Freestate provincial team.
#Chapter Achievement 2019 Chapter-Wide Director Development Programme (DDP) is Initiated
The Director Training Committee was expanded to undertake a Chapter wide Director Development Program (DDP), which received applications from 50 members who were organised in eight decentralised study groups and after ten months of tasks and discussions culminated in 43 participants receiving compliance certificates.
#Chapter Achievements 2019 A Year of Progress
A number of initiatives were undertaken, including: Delivering PMP/CAPM preparation workshops, mentoring circles, women’s month leadership workshops in Johannesburg & Durban. The Chapter was featured in Engineering News, concluded a memorandum of understanding with Junior Achievement South Africa by PMIEF nad the Mamelodi Early Childhood Development Project. The Chapter also undertook mentorship of Bcom students at the Mamelodi campus and provided PM training to 8th & 9th graders. Chapter membership had increased to 1063.
#Chapter Achievement 2020 A year of Disruption
The Covid 19 pandemic disruption caused the chapter to transform and innovate to develop new ways of working in the new digital era to give equity in access for our members to chapter services. We pivoted immediately to monthly webinars, conducting over 20 virtual events in 2020.
After a three-month innovation process, we established new value propositions for our members, NGOs, universities, government, and corporate sectors. We established a new way of working (business model) based on digital technology for virtual professional development and networking. We are in the process of piloting our cluster engagement programme, to facilitate member-organized and chapter-supported in-person events and networking.
#Chapter Achievement 2021 PMI South Africa Chapter Anchors Chapter Exchange Programme with Mumbai and Czech Republic Chapters
PMI South Africa anchors PMI Chapter exchange program with PMI Mumbai and Czech Republic chapters, a monthly online event where subject matter experts from around the globe discuss trending project management-related topics.
#Proudly South African Project 2020 The National Coronavirus Command Council is Established
In March 2020, President Ramaphosa announces the establishment of the National Coronavirus Command Council: "The council was established to lead the nation's plan to contain the spread and mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus," the Presidency said.
#Chapter Achievement 2021 Three #Future50 Honorees from South Africa
Three PMI Volunteers from Africa Chapters were nominated for the Future 50 Honorees awards.