Monthly Webinar: Achieve Project Success with Digital Transformation of Construction Contract Management
The size and complexity of modern-day capital and infrastructure development projects result in a high volume of contractual communication, notices, claims & variations with associated time bars, which could lead to disputes or even arbitration events. Clear communication between the Employer, the Engineer, the Project Manager and the Contractor place an administrative responsibility on all role players, which could be too voluminous for manual or paper-based processes.
Meet the presenters:
Werner MaritzDirector: Industry StrategyOracle Construction and EngineeringWerner Maritz is a member of the Industry Strategy team at Oracle Construction and Engineering, focusing Infrastructure development programs. He has a passion for digital transformation of the Project and Construction Management disciplines with a keen interest in improving project profitability, managing project risk, and reducing construction costs.
Chris WoodbridgeBusiness Development DirectorRPC UK LtdChris has 15 years’ experience in the project controls arena with extensive experience across a wide array specialist disciplines, such as document control, cost management, BIM and change management – particularly NEC contracts. Chris is a specialist in collaborative contracts management software platforms.
Nathan LambertIndustry SpecialistRPC UK LtdNathan has 15 years’ experience in the design, development, implementation and support of software solutions for a variety of international public and private sector organisations. Nathan specialize in digital transformation of Project Management, Drawing/Document Management and Planning with a primary focus on Contract Management specifically NEC4 and FIDIC.
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