
Dear Colleagues, fellow Volunteers and PMI members,


We apologize for the recent gap in our newsletter due tounforeseen circumstances. We're excited to bring you a concise update on our chapter's recent activities and share some thoughts from our leadership team.


Leadership Message:

As project management professionals, we understand the critical role we play in driving success across diverse industries and initiatives. We are firm believers in the power of project management to unlock innovation, optimize processes, and deliver impactful results. Your dedication to this field is truly commendable, and we remain committed to supporting your professional development and creating a vibrant community for project management practitioners in South Africa.

PMI's unwavering focus on its volunteers is an integral part of our mission. We deeply appreciate the invaluable contributions of our volunteers who dedicate their time and expertise to enriching the chapter's offerings and fostering a culture of collaboration.

We also recognize the importance of fostering engagement within the South African community. Our recent roadshow, along with ongoing collaborations with academic institutions and industry partners, are testaments to this commitment. We believe in the collective strength of our community and strive to empower individuals and organizations throughout South Africa through the power of project management.

Now, let's dive into the exciting updates!

Regional Engagements:

We actively participated in the Africa Conference and Leadership Institute Meeting (LIM) in Nairobi, Kenya, last September. This event fostered connections with PMI leaders from across Sub-Saharan Africa and the PMI Board of Directors.

Chapter Developments:

Our 2023 leadership elections concluded in September, and in January, we expanded our governing body to seven members through the appointment of additional board members and vice presidents.

We celebrated our volunteers and new PMI certifications at a glamorous Gala event in November, marking a successful return from the pandemic hiatus.

Operational Highlights:

  • Over 80 members participated in our hybrid Annual General Meeting (AGM) in January, where Roberts Chaplin Krona was appointed as our new Chapter auditor.
  • We launched our monthly Chapter webinar series in February, which will continue throughout the year.
  • Preparations are underway for our virtual PM Summit on May 23rd, themed "Project Management Practices and Future Scenarios." A call for papers will be announced soon.

Strategic Initiatives:

  • We're collaborating with PMI's Sub-Saharan Africa Team to achieve Chapter accreditation from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
  • We're working with educational institutions to expand project management education and outreach.
  • A recent week-long roadshow across various regions (Western Cape, Gauteng, etc.) connected us with key stakeholders, including educational institutions and industry partners. Notably, Mr. George Asamani, PMI MD for Sub-Saharan Africa, and Ms. Joana Baidu, PMI Partner Success Specialist, participated in the roadshow.

For more details, please visit our LinkedIn posts highlighting select roadshow interactions.

  1. The University of Johannesburg Roadshow Interactions 2024-02
  2. Stellenbosch Business School Roadshow Interactions 2024-02
  3. University of Limpopo Roadshow Interactions 2024-02 ;

We hope this update keeps you informed about our chapter's activities. Stay tuned for future updates!  Until next time,  embrace these PMI Culture values - Be the Ripple. Embrace Curiosity. Be Welcoming. Make it Easy,  Aim Higher, Together We Can.
Tunde Ojo-Aromokudu, PMP
Chapter President, PMI – South Africa